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Portfolio/Show-reel- University

A portfolio is essential for a chance to go to university. The portfolio allows you to present your best work over the college course and any work completed and made outside of college. Depending on what course you would want to specify in adjusts what you will include onto your portfolio. Show-reel A show-reel is…

EGX trip 2018

On the 21st of September ( Friday) me and my class took a trip to a gaming convention called EGX. We were given certain tasks through out the day to try out a specific type of game of our choice, ask the general public a survey which I created in my note pad and kept…

Unit 11- Research

Skills needed: Skills Audit- organisation time management etc… Improvements? In today’s lesson we were given the tasks of researching different types of progression after this course has been completed. Using a variety of referenced sources which includes employment and University. This lesson will start to help me set in stone what I want to do…