FMP 2- Evaluation and Reflection

Once this project was completed I needed to evaluate and reflect upon the project as a whole. I believe this is a good way to identify strength weaknesses and potential learning curves for future projects when I get into this industry. I believe, to begin with I was very easily distracted all through this project….

FMP 2-Production

Sofa To being with this model of a sofa I decided to collect a reference image off of the internet and then save that image as a JPEG on my hard drive. After this I then went into Maya 2018 and clicked onto the ‘spacebar’ key to bring up the 4 perspectives of top, side-X…

FMP 2- Problem Solving

Whilst working throughout this project, there were many tasks which were not simplistic at all and which needed to be solved. Problem-solving is a skill in which I believe is really important within the Games Design industry. Problem Solving allows me to quickly figure out what is wrong within e.g. the coding or model and…

FMP 2- Contextual

Through out this 2 year course I have created many concepts for myself to influence me and others whilst working independently and within a group to model certain assets. Concept art is a huge element within the Games Design industry. This is purely because it gives 3D Modelers inspiration and ideas of what the finished…

FMP- Year 2 Bibliography

5, D. (2019). devil may cry 5 gameplay – Google Search. [online] Available at:…0.0..……1….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i67.NtaCw8YHftU#imgdii=euxUVa20Y9Th2M:&imgrc=Dvgr64gIPZCRiM: [Accessed 29 Apr. 2019]. Cry, D. (2019). devil may cry 5 hud – Google Search. [online] Available at:…0.0..……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i8i30.F3WmwHs-1XM#imgdii=PEFExTV8kxPf6M:&imgrc=5OtvlObpxnyq6M: [Accessed 29 Apr. 2019]. Playground, G. (2019). GOD OF WAR 4 – Full Gameplay Walkthrough / No Commentary 【FULL GAME】….

Year 2- FMP Pitch

During the 2 years of being on this course, I have gained and developed on multiple skills. I have acknowledged how to model and texture successfully and to a constant high standard. Throughout this course, I have been part of multiple successful games including the Game Jam Projects. I have engaged most with 3D Modelling…

FMP 2- Client Brief

Target Audience For every past project I have completed, I have always looked into depth about what elements within a game suit appeal most to the communities interest. Looking at target audience for a game is essential for the game to be able to become successful and to protrude. Without taking into consideration the target…

Game Jam 2- Problem Solving

Even though this Game Jam idea for the game sounded straight forward and simplistic, There were unknown challenges and problems which I knew we would have to face. From the previous projects and the first year of being on this course I have developed my problem solving skills greatly. Both working independently and also when…

Unit 12- Essay

To what extent does audio design enhance the experience of 3d environments? Focusing upon the word 3D environments, there are many various environments which can be created using different assets or elements of a specific software. a 3D Environment creates the world/ map which the player will spawn and play in. Also known as a…

Game Jam 2- Research

Today in class, I was assigned to a group to undertake yet another Game Jam Project. As there were not many of us which wanted to undergo the challenge again the remaining 6 people including me were merged into one big group compared to the previous Game Jam project. In the last project, there were…

Unit 12-Contextual perspective

The next part of this Unit was to look at some contextual perspectives for the specialist study. Behind this post will contain why specifically 3D modelling and Game Audio appeals to me. I will also explain how audio helps immerse the player and the impact of what 3D Modelling will do as well. I will…

Game Jam 2- Context

Starting off the contextual side of the Game Jam project, We first off decided to list out which types of software in which would be using and why it would be valid for our project. The list of software which we will be using are: Photoshop Substance Painter Maya 2018 Unreal Engine 4.20 Adobe Audition…

Game Jam 2- Planning and Production

To initiate this Game Jam project me and my group had to think of certain ways in which we could monitor, upload, share and complete work all at the same time. Therefore as a group we began using a secondary research ( The internet) to discover sites or certain ways helping us keep track of…

Unit 12 – Sources of Information

To begin this Unit 12- Specialist Study- I was given a task to find sources of information in which would help me finalize the industry I would like to go into and what my specialist study will be. The outcome for this would cement which path I would take and acknowledge me of all outcomes…

Game Jam- Problem solving

To begin the construction of our Game Jam level we all started giving each other roles to take on. For example I would focus upon audio, Jenson would take upon the HUD and display, Jack with models and texturing and Kieron with the physics in Unreal. To begin with I looked at certain websites and…

Story Game Jam- Context

Gantt Chart: On induction day we were put into set groups for the lesson and we had a given task to complete within the set time given. Our challenge given was to list an amount of movies or stories which were already existing and to make it better or change the story-line to it. This…

Game Jam -Mobile Game Research

Research Hyper Casual Games Hyper Casual games are usually allocated on mobile e.g. the play-store or app store on android and apple. They are lightweight and instantly playable, very commonly addictive for the player and tend to use a very simplistic mechanic towards the game. They are also often very low poly as of the…

Can Games Save The World?

We were given the task of searching for the oldest games in the world to this day. One of the oldest game in the world which dates to first being played in 3100 BC. This game was called backgammon which is still commonly played today. Its history can be traced back nearly 5,000 years. all of one’s…


Homework (Start of term) We were given a task near the end of the holidays to download, playtest and analyse a range of Game Jam Submissions. We were told to focus upon: General description of the game and what is the story line The influences of the game and show similarities to various themes and…

Creative Ideas

Today in lesson we started to be taught different ways to come up and build upon crazy and abnormal ideas and create a base story line for the game. To start off we got given a small task which included to be asked to write down 5 things on the piece of paper handed out…

Character- animation

Today i learned how to complete a full character animation cycle in unreal engine. I started off by downloading the two files off moodle. The files included the SWAT character pawn and texturing and the other file contained multiple animations. I started off by going into the third person blueprint and deleting the Camera Boom….

Game Creation- Interactive

Research- HUD To begin with the interactive side of things, i immediately started to look at HUD systems , main menu and the main menu structure. As the game is aiming to have a dystopian look towards it, I yet again used The Last of us as inspiration. The reason being i believe that the…

Game Creation- Visuals

Visuals  One of the first things we needed to discuss was the visuals of the game. We needed to know what style we were going for to start off with. We set our ideas onto the table and ended up choosing between us all a top-down shooter was the best one for all of us….