History of concept art and production design through star wars

What is concept art and product design? Concept art– Concept art lays the foundations of your animation design by producing an idea that aims to capture the visual feel of the project, and serves as a point of reference for illustrators and animators throughout the entire creative process. In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect…

Health and Safety Hazards

Today in class we started to talk about health and safety. We managed to cover all different aspects and hazards that could occur within the classroom. We discussed multiple points and chose the best couple of points and plotted them into a health and safety grid/ table. We took into consideration about the likelihood of…

Research-Sources of Information

Internet Books People Experience Pros Internet- easy to find information and relatively quick. Books- Photographs, more reliable as it has been checked. People- Able to explain complex ideas fluently in plain language and can benefit from past experience. Experience- Will stay in your memory and you are able to give out your self observation. Cons Internet-…

Week 3- Retro Sci-Fi – Star Wars

I have collected pictures of Cloud City and the interior of the gargantuan buildings in Star Wars on the Bespin planet. This follows the theme of Retro Sci-Fi. Retro Sci-Fi is also known as Retro-futurism. This is a trend in the creative arts showing the influence of depictions of the future produced in an earlier era. Characterised by…

Uncharted Research

Uncharted 4 uses multiple influences to help create and produce the game. Uncharted is a game located and based around the Amazon and an uncharted island off the coast of South America (based off the first Uncharted game Drakes Fortune) The main character in the game is called Drake. The second Uncharted game consisted of snow-capped mountain landscapes of the Tibetan Plateau in…

Week 1

This week i decided to create a mood board to showcase the different structures and certain designs in Roman Architecture. to create the mood board i used a search engine to compile the images shown above. i searched ‘Roman Ruins’ and ‘Roman Architecture’. The features of Roman Architecture: A main feature of Roman Architecture is…