Texturing a Crate and Barrel

Today in Maya i modeled a crate and added texture towards it to make the realism of it. I started off by downloading the file images to work off and put them into a folder. I then went into Front View on Maya and clicked on View- Image plane- Import image and selected it from…

Arch and Modular Arch

Today in Maya i decided to create an Arch. To start off i downloaded the file needed to recreate the arch. After this I went into Maya and clicked on front view- import plane and selected the image. Then i scaled the image to a substantial size for me to use as a guide to…

Week 6

Today in Maya I created a battle flag. I textured the flag and also created a looping animation for the flag. To start off I imported an image of a flag into Maya by going onto front view and import image. I scaled it up and created a cylinder. This is the image i used…