Problem Solving- FMP



I started to create some assets towards my game including buildings fencing and more accessories along the way. One model in which I aspired to create was a model and textured model of the ramp leading up towards the front entrance of the facility itself.   Ramp- Textured

This was the finished model and the finished textured model of the ramp. I wanted to give the ramp the correct amount of elevation and steepness to enter the facility, pinpointing the exact scale of the original ramp. I wanted to give realism to it so I chose an asphalt/ road like texture to use. This was the completed UV mapping texture for the ramp:

There was a slight problem with the UV’s. When I decided to take a UV snapshot to texture the ramp, I only put the resolution at 256 x 256. Therefore when I textured the ramp it would come out as a low quality which was incredibly frustrating and I did not know why. So after careful inspection, I tried to use a different texture at 1024 x 1024 but I did not realize the UV snapshot was still at 256 x 256. Therefore no matter what texture I was used at any quality the outcome would be a low quality making it very blurry. I then decided to take the UV snapshot at 512 x 512 as the pixels double for each resolution. This came out more clear and a better quality. But this was still too blurry in unreal. I then tried  1024 x 1024 and I found it a lot better than the previous UV snapshot scales as it came out clear and crisp. I was able to make out the actual ramp with the texture.

This was the original Asphalt texture at 2048 x 2048 on the UV. (UV snapshot was 1024 x 1024) On the right is the layout for the UV texturing that took place. As I created the ramp originally from a Cub in Maya the UV’s are all the same size squares for the faces even if stretched or compressed. This is very easy to texture as the texture was seamless so I was able to duplicate it and I did not require the clone stamp tool to merge the textures together to create a new to fit the model.

Ramp- Unreal

ramp in unreal.JPG


The next model I decided to create and a model was a bollard. This relates to the ramp as it goes either side of it providing a clear pathway up the ramp into the facility.

Bollards- textured

To start off with a dragged a cube onto the grid. I then expanded it and made it almost a rectangle and then duplicated it and placed it next to the original one. Below are the texture and the texture layout in Photoshop for this bollard.

Yet again there was a slight problem with the texturing of this model. The reason behind this was because the texture was not seamless. As it was not seamless it would overlap in Photoshop and does not look like a real texture as there is a clear line where you can see I duplicated the texture. I then had to use the clone stamp and merge the layers together to make a solid texture.

It is very unclear to see as it is a white marble texture and unfortunately blends into the background of this document. As yet again it was originally a cube I found this very easy to texture. This is because all the faces are the same length and the texture wasn’t stretched at all. The texture was also classed as seamless so I didn’t need to use the close stamp tool to merge the two layers together. Therefore this saved time and effort.


The next asset I wanted to make was the actual front entrance leading into the actual facility itself. My main idea for the gate was to model it like almost a cell type of door. My objective was to make this gate raise on command after pressing a button and come back down after a certain time period has passed.

Front gate- Textured

This is the complete model of the front gate. This is also textured as well. I went for an iron-type texture to give it photo realism towards the gate. I used a texture off the internet with scratches already implemented on the surface. This was a secondary resource and collection of texture.

Here on the left is the layout in Photoshop of the UV being textured for one single iron pole for the gate. I made this a modular asset to save time and I am then able to just duplicate it whenever I would like to. As the UV layout was the same for each pole I was able to duplicate and rotate them with the texture already applied and complete the model of the gate quickly and make more if needed efficiently as its a modular asset.

Car Park- Burnt

carpark- not textured This is a model of a Car Park just located outside the main facility. I created this to give realism and show people used this parking lot to disperse their cars away from the building and go to work. I started to texture one singular pillar for the Car Park knowing that each and every other pillar would have the same UV scale so I am able to apply the same lambert texture to the other pillar. Or I am able to just duplicate the first pillar and place the others around in the correct positions. This makes the pillar another modular asset. The roof I was able to scale very easily over the pillars securing them in place and I was then able to start texturing them.

These two textures were the ones I used for the singular pillar of the Car Park. I first off imported the UV into Photoshop and led out the grass texture onto the UV. Then repeated the same for the lava texture. I then multiplied both of the layers given a dark mossy burnt wood-like texture. This gives the realism of the aftermath and after effect of the Chernobyl disaster. The reason behind the mossy green texture was to neutralize the effect of the lava texture. I did not want the lava texture to be so prominent of the pillar. This would give it an unrealistic effect on the wood.

Pillar of car park

This is the complete UV mapping texture of the singular pillar of the Car Park. After applying the texture it came out like this:

Carpark Textured

I included and used the bollards to help with this car park and therefore the bollards asset is also a modular asset. I will be using the bollards multiple times throughout the level. This aids me with my time management as it saves a lot of time when it’s a modular asset.

car park in unreal.JPG

I decided to create a ramp going up to the multistory car park as an extra bit of detail towards the environment. This is what it looks like:

Car park ramp.JPG


Front entrance- 

Front of enterance not textured

This is the main gate/ entrance for the facility or the starting area. This is one of the basic models I created before I UV mapped it and retextured it. Once I made the fencing to implement the outside and barricade the inside I duplicated the fence to create 3 modular fences. I then decided to add a ramp and with the bollards I first created I placed them next to the ramp almost caving the ramp and sectioning it off as a pathway up to the gate. Below is the main entrance textured:

Main entrance textured- unreal


To start off my research for the gargantuan container I instantly started looking at specific containers and crates outside and within the Chernobyl region. One of the photos and inspirations which I found most helpful was:

Related image

This part of the facility intrigued me as of the immense amount of detail put into it. The cylindrical cross-dome gave me inspiration as it would give off an accurate representation of the actual dome within the Chernobyl level itself creating realism towards the game.

I took into consideration the texturing of the object and chose whether the metal was emitting a glow or shine from the impact of the sun giving a glossy look towards it. Or whether I just wanted to keep it more of a metallic or stock grey.

Containers- textured

This is the finished model and textured model of the container. As you can see I gave it more of a glossy texture allowing the glow in unreal to be emitted.


This is the completed UV and textured UV in Photoshop. There were obstacles in the way and preventing me from completing the model for the container. To start off with I tried to delete half of the faces on the cylinder I created and rotated it on the correct axis. As I tried to delete half the faces the vertices would mess up and start connecting with other vertices which stretched the object. I duplicated it, and then deleted the original shape and then done the same process with the second one and it worked and deleted the faces successfully.

The next problem was when I created the cube/ rectangle and I used the Boolean tool and the stray vertices connected to other vertices. This was a problem with texturing as of that. Therefore I deleted the cube and rescaled the new cube and used the Boolean tool again and it worked. Once I completed the texture for it I exported it into unreal and the textures and model were on a different axis causing difficulty scaling it in Unreal.


I started to take inspiration off the crates and containers from various outside environments or factories. The colour of the container was originally going to be a murky yellow colour but I scrapped that idea and went for a dirty blue colour and texture instead. This was one of the pictures and containers I took inspiration off.

See the source image

This is the model and textured model of the container below:

Crate textured

I had issues with the texturing for this. The reason being I got complacent with the UV snapshot and used the 256 x 256 scaling rather than 2048 x 2048. Therefore the result would show up as a blurry and unclear texture. Almost stretched as you can see on the image. You can identify this as the toxic symbol is slightly out of proportion and stretched.  Below is the textured UV for the container in Photoshop as a JPEG image.

Front of Facility

I started putting ideas into consideration and perspective for the front of one of the side facilities. To start off I looked at the textures at buildings on This was the texture I decided to use on this building.


The reason I chose this was because I believed that it looked most like an actual ‘control center’ for the main facility with multiple floors and room and from there they could monitor the facility

Front of facility- no cylinders

This is the basic model for one of the side facilities I created using Maya. I created this by using basic polygons in Maya which only includes the cube. I basically just duplicated the cube multiple times and just moved it to a different location on the grid and scaled it differently. This is the UV and textured UV for the biggest polygon cube.


The marble texture on the 3rd box down was the top or roof of the side facility. I also used it for the smaller cube. I started adding 2 cylinders on top of the facility. I slightly made an additional change to the model but below are the two textures and completed UV textures for the cylinders.

Front of facility- Not Textured.JPG

Cylinder textures- UV in Photoshop


Cylinder 2.jpg

I used the hotkey of ‘alt + drag mouse to duplicate the seamless texture multiple times. I used the seamless texture as it was easier to texture and I did not need to use the clone stamp tool. This saved heaps of time for the texturing process. I textured the UV’s in Photoshop very roughly as if I were to use the magic wand tool or the make a selection tool to cut out the specific shapes for the UV.

Front of facility- Textured

This is the complete textured model in Maya before I exported it as an FBX into Unreal.

I used 1024 x 1024 on the UV snapshot. I used the wrong scaling and grid size in Maya, therefore, I had trouble scaling it in unreal yet again. I prevented this from happening as I changed the grid scale to 500- 100 by 2 subdivisions. Then I decided the scale the model up and allocate it to the right axis. This allowed me to move and relocate the exported model in Unreal with ease.

Berretta Px4 Storm- Model

I thought of putting a gun for the character/ actor to hold in Unreal whilst going through the level. I thought an assault rifle would be a bit too much for a level which you do not shoot Ai’s. Therefore I concluded to model a Berretta Px4 Storm. I looked on the internet using my secondary resource and I chose to work off this image.


I was able to model this gun fairly quick and easy. This saved a lot of time as this is one of my stronger points which is modeling. This is the finished but untextured file in Maya.

Gun- not textured.JPG

I created the top half of the gun separately from the bottom half of the gun. The reason being is because I created an animation for this gun. One of the biggest tools which helped me create this was the Create Polygon tool. I went into front view and created the bottom half using the create polygon tool. This allows me to replicate the exact shape and frame of the pistol.

These are the first 5 frames of the 10-second animation. I set keys for the first 5 then duplicated and flipped the set keys from frame 6-10 so the animation would complete successfully and look like the gun was cocking back and shooting.

Map of Chernobyl in Unreal:

I decided to make a realistic representation of the location of Chernobyl and the surroundings shown on a statistical map. To start off I decided to look on the internet for a specific image which captured the map and location of Chernobyl and something related to the radiation levels and the impact of the radioactivity in the surroundings. Image result for chernobyl map

This was the original image I used to help me texture this map accurately and precisely in Photoshop. The scaling I used for the snapshot was 2048 x 2048. I used this scaling resolution as it gives a clean crisp texture and in unreal you will be able to read the text more clearly. If the text can be read clearly, the player will be more intrigued by the game and will also learn a bit more about Chernobyl.

map in unreal.JPG



As I began to import some lighting into my level I suddenly realized that the lighting and effects were surprisingly good but there was no source for the lighting to actually light up the room. Almost as if the lights came from no more source. Therefore I began modeling a Headlight as a light source for the point light. I took more of a longitudinal light and more of a rectangle shape industrial light. This would be related to the industrial, abandoned and destroyed feeling towards the man mad environment around it.

This is the picture I decided to take inspiration off:

Image result for industrial light rectangle

I  began to analyze the object and wanted to think of different ways in which I could make this more industrial. So I started to look at specific textures like rust and scagged metal overlays to make it suit more to the environment.

rusty metal

I decided to choose this type of texture to use for the frame and objects outside layers of material. I then took into consideration whether that the lights should be a strong white and in good condition or if they should be pale yellow and broke. I decided to go with just a yellow tint on the light bulbs.

Here is the process in which i modeled the Light in Maya:
headlight 1

I started off by making the outside frame for the object to analyze and figure out what size the lights will be inside of the frame for the lights. I used 3 cubes as the extrusion tool would not work correctly or the edge loops would not work properly either. I then combined the three objects and it worked successfully.

The next step was to successfully model the actual glass light underneath the frame of the light. I began by using a cylinder and rotating it on its X axis 90 degrees. After this, I selected half of the faces on the cylinder on the top. This leaves me with half of a cylinder. As you will not see the top half of the cylinder I deleted the faces to make fewer vertices which will be easier to texture in the UV layout and in Photoshop. I placed it right under the frame so they are touching. I then scaled it horizontally to the size of the light frame and duplicated the half cylinder to make 2.

headlight 2

This is the final outcome of the model I created which is not textured. I was not able to texture this in time and import this into the level quick enough. This is because I took a large quantity of time on other major aspects of this level. In future, I will need to take care of my timing and planning what essential and little things are needed in my level and to organize a plan to let me know how long I will spend on each and everything.

Here are the links to the sketchfab assets which I have uploaded to my profile on sketchfab:

Environmental effects:

After finishing some assets and importing them into unreal, I decided to go then go into depth about the atmospheric side of things to emit certain feelings given to the player. I began to look at the atmospheric fog around Chernobyl and the explosion aftermath and the impact on the visibility of the environment. Here are some examples and templates I started to work on to get the perfect environmental effect for the level.

Image result for sun and fog

Here is an example of what I am aiming to create. I want to have an eerie effect on the atmosphere with the sun beaming through the fog. Once inspecting this image I started to mess around with the atmospheric fog within Unreal. After scaling the numbers up and down I finally got the correct scaling and outcome I wanted for my level.

These were the numbers used to have the outcome for the fog:

atmospheric fog

This was the final product of the environmental effect including the atmospheric fog and sunlight scaling changed.


As shown it produces an eerie effect towards the level and emits an accurate and realistic representation of Chernobyl and the Radioactive pollution.

Level Lighting:

The level lighting was a very important aspect to accurately represent Chernobyl. This is because for example if I imported lights everywhere it was inaccurate. This is because There wouldn’t be a big enough power source still active from the explosion to power hundreds of lights. I decided to put 2/3 lights in each room so the level was light enough for the player to see the detail and look around clearly without difficulty. After this, I wanted to look at some light sources for the light to actually emit off. I used secondary resources e.g. the internet to acknowledge myself what some industrial ceiling lights were presented like.

Design Sheets for most models







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